Mental health insights

Find best practices from benefits leaders and practical advice for your emotional well-being
What Kind of Therapist Do I Need
What Kind Of Therapist do I Need?

If you’re wondering what kind of therapist you need? We have a comprehensive guide to mental health care that can help educate you on the different types of therapy and professionals practicing today.

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Practicing Gratitude: How It Boosts Mental Well-Being

Being thankful and showing gratitude is more than just polite manners. Did you know that practicing gratitude could make you happier and support your well-being? In this article, we dive into the power of gratitude on mental health, what it is, and how you can incorporate gratitude into your routine. 

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Exploring the Benefits of Pet Therapy for Mental Wellness

From young to old, many can enjoy interactions with animals. But pet therapy can benefit people going through all types of challenges in life. In this article, we dive into the benefits of animal-assisted therapy and how animal interactions can promote mental wellness. 

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Understanding Impostor Syndrome: Breaking Free from Self-Doubt

Imposter syndrome can make you feel like a fraud with no confidence in your abilities. You’re not alone; so many people feel like this. The good news is that you can break free from imposter syndrome and overcome self-doubt; here’s how.

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Supporting a Loved One with Mental Illness: Practical Tips and Resources

There isn’t one perfect way to support a loved one with mental illness. How you care for someone will depend on you and the person you support. Mental illness can affect all aspects of a person, from mood to behavior. It can come as a shock when a loved one is diagnosed with a mental illness.

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Is My Relationship One-Sided?

Do you feel like you’re doing all the work in a relationship? When a relationship is one-sided, it can create stress and conflict. If one partner invests more energy and effort to make the relationship work, it creates an imbalanced dynamic that can be draining in the long haul.

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How To Recover From Burnout?

Manageable and short-term stress can increase alertness and give you the focus to hit a tight deadline. But left unchecked, chronic stress can result in burnout, leading to complete physical, mental, and emotional exhaustion.

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Healing through Creativity: Exploring the Transformative Benefits of Art Therapy for PTSD

Art therapy can be a powerful tool for people healing from PTSD. Creative expression and psychology combine to offer a different way to access, process, and explore complex and traumatic experiences and feelings. In this article, we talk about how art therapy affects mental health and the benefits of art therapy for PTSD in the trauma healing process.

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