Couples Therapy

Improve Sex Life

How To Improve Your Sex Life With Your Partner

There comes a time when you can feel the fire waning between you and your partner. Between work, family, and other commitments, sometimes passion takes a backburner in your relationship. You find yourself stuck in the same pattern and occupied with other life obligations.

What Is Couples Therapy

What is Couples Therapy?

Romantic relationships are complex; they need regular maintenance to keep them functioning well. No one relationship is without conflict; from simple misunderstandings to full-blown arguments, it’s an ongoing journey of balance and compromise. Whether you’re stuck in a cycle or feel like you could benefit from a relationship check-up, an unbiased third party can help you take a step forward together. 

Couples Therapy

How Do You Know When It’s Time for Couples Therapy?

It’s normal for couples to go through ups and downs. Sometimes, there’s a notion that meeting your partner is the hard part, and then it’s easy going forward. The reality is that relationships take effort and work from both partners. Whether you’re going through conflict, dealing with an affair, struggling to communicate, or need a tune-up, couples therapy can form an essential part of a healthy relationship. 

Money Conversations How to Talk About Finances with Your Partner

Money Conversations: How to Talk About Finances with Your Partner

Do you have any debt? Do you contribute to your 401(k)? These are not common first date questions. For most, it doesn’t feel natural to talk about your finances. As you get to know someone, you talk about your interests, values, likes, and dislikes, but the money talk feels like another level.

What Is Stonewalling

What Is Stonewalling?

There is a common communication behavior among married couples that predicts divorce with at least 90% accuracy. This behavior is stonewalling, when a person shuts down and stops responding to their partner, especially during a heated argument.

Conflict in Relationships

Conflict in Relationships

What’s the most troublesome conflict that most couples have? . . . No conflict at all. That’s what American psychologist Dr. John Gottman says, and he knows what he’s talking about. He and his colleagues can predict divorce with a 94% accuracy. But what does he mean by “no conflict”? And is it really what partners disagree about? Or more how they do it?

How to Get Through an Affair

How to Get Through an Affair

Healing after an affair is painful, tough, and takes time. While a relationship can survive infidelity, both parties have to commit to repairing the damage and begin to rebuild trust.

What are the Signs You Should See a Couples Therapist

What are the Signs You Should See a Couples Therapist?

If you and your partner are going through a hard time, it may be time to see a couples therapist. It can be overwhelming and daunting to delve into your deepest secrets. Speaking to an outside party for the first time can feel terrifying. When you live hand-in-hand with another person, arguments and fights are inevitable.

Why Having More Sex Can Improve Your Relationship

Why Having More Sex Can Improve Your Relationship

Much like the pursuit of immortality, the dream of flying, and the aspirations of a utopian society, the idea of building a perfect relationship is one that many people are curious about.

For Couples How to Put the Sex Back in Your Sex Life

For Couples: How to Put the Sex Back in Your Sex Life

At some point in your relationship, you’re bound to hit a sexual rut. This is usually around a year-or-so down the line. And sometimes, it’s nothing more than a bump in the road, but if it goes on for too long, it can become a problem in the relation

Tips for a Productive Financial Discussion with Your Partner

Tips for a Productive Financial Discussion with Your Partner

One of the most common sticking points in any relationship is money. It doesn’t matter whether you’re married, dating, or just starting. This aspect of your life is an essential part of any relationship, but no one wants to talk about it.

Why Emotional Cheating Can be Just as Harmful as Physical Affairs

Why Emotional Cheating Can be Just as Harmful as Physical Affairs

Cheating is a sore subject for some. People who have been cheated on tend to hold emotional scars and psychological trauma caused by their partner’s infidelity. Cheating not only breaks the trust in a relationship, but it can also cause trust issues in those that have been cheated on, preventing them from forming long-lasting bonds even after the relationship has ended.

The Art of Arguing Fairly Tips from Therapists

The Art of Arguing Fairly: Tips from Therapists

Any couple that tells you they don’t fight is lying. All couples fight – some more frequently than others, but all do. It’s a natural part of being in a relationship where there are two people with different qualities and beliefs. But if you’ve been fighting more often than you used to, you might wonder whether it’s time to find a therapist who can help you.

Are You Struggling with Financial Disagreements with Your Partner Try Couples Therapy

Are You Struggling with Financial Disagreements with Your Partner? Try Couples Therapy

Money. We all need it, but some of us spend too much of our time worrying or fighting about it. If your relationship with your partner is taking a turn for the worse because of financial disagreements, it’s time to try couples therapy.

How to Save a Troubled Relationship

How to Save a Troubled Relationship

Even the best of relationships can be challenging at times. If you’re struggling to see eye to eye with your partner, a family member, or a friend, the team at Thriving Center of Psychology can help.

Couples in Lockdown

Couples in Lockdown

Even if you’re madly in love with your partner, social isolating with them can be frustrating. Initially, it might seem fun to stay home and work in your pajamas. However, eventually reality sets in, and the limitations imposed by social distancing can get to you. Why does that happen, especially if you have a strong relationship? Do your frustrations mean that something is wrong with your relationship?