Sustaining Love: What to Do When the Honeymoon Phase Fades
There’s nothing quite like that initial attraction and spark where you just can’t get enough of your partner. But as the months and years roll on, it’s normal for relationships to transition through stages, and dynamics can shift.
All a Bad Dream? 1 in 4 Think Their Nightmares Predicted the Future
Americans have a lot on their minds. From navigating daily stress due to work or mental health to grappling with bigger widespread issues like politics, climate change, or crime, it’s safe to say there’s a lot to think about daily. For many, stressors aren’t only encroaching on their minds during waking hours, but also when they try to sleep in the form of nightmares, or bad dreams.
Psychological Challenges with Remote Working
While we can meet our loved ones in person without masks, the pandemic brought some changes that have stuck. Remote working has transformed the workforce. Some companies have chosen a fully remote approach, while others are welcoming their employees back to the office full-time.
Survey: 72% of Americans are Stressing About the Upcoming Presidential Election
Political viewpoints in the U.S. have always been contentious, but is the impact of politics in the United States making it difficult for people to live their everyday lives? With some anticipating another brutal and long campaign season ahead of the upcoming 2024 presidential election, nearly half of Americans say politics is negatively impacting their mental health.
What Happens if Anxiety Is Left Untreated?
Anxiety disorders affect millions of people all over the world, yet only about 1 in 4 people in need receive treatment. Untreated anxiety can significantly impact many areas of your life. Anxiety is common and treatable, with early intervention being key.
How Can I Make Divorce Less Painful?
Divorce consistently ranks as one of life’s most stressful experiences, and for good reason. The loss of a relationship, rejection, uncertainty, anger, and resentment all contribute to the emotional pain of a divorce.
How to Move On After a Friendship Breakup
Friendship breakups can sting just as much as a romantic breakup. After all, you’re experiencing a loss of shared history and an understanding of each other that can leave you feeling lonely and isolated. Not all friendships are forever, but moving on from the loss of a friendship does take time and some self-compassion.
Signs You’re in a Toxic Relationship
A toxic relationship can chip away at your well-being and happiness. Toxic partners can be manipulative and charming, making it difficult to recognize the signs that you’re in a toxic relationship. You deserve to be in a supportive and healthy relationship.
10 Common Marriage Reconciliation Mistakes to Avoid After Infidelity
Infidelity can leave couples devastated. If you’ve been affected by infidelity and want to salvage your relationship, rebuild trust, or make a tough decision, keep reading for 10 common reconciliation mistakes to avoid after infidelity.
How to Let Go of Resentment
Resentment is a complex emotion that can fester and negatively impact many aspects of well-being. While resentment can become an all-encompassing experience, it’s possible to work through your feelings and step towards a brighter, more forgiving future.
How Long Does It Take To Get Over A Breakup?
There’s no denying that breakups hurt. A bad breakup can leave you in pieces, wrapped up in rejection, self-doubt, and loss. While breakups are a universal experience, they can pack a powerful emotional punch.
What to Talk About in Therapy
You can talk about anything in therapy, but to get the most out of it, where should you start, and what should you avoid talking about? Whether you’re new to therapy or looking to work on something specific, there are no rules you need to follow or particular talking points.
The Healing Power of Journaling: Unlocking Emotional Expression
ournaling is a type of expressive writing that can help you identify and release difficult feelings, process emotions, and even learn a new coping method for the future. Let’s talk about how therapeutic writing can help mental health and how to add journaling to your self-care toolkit.
Mindful Eating For Better Mental Health: Nourishing Body And Mind
Mindful eating is the practice of slowing down and paying full attention to the experience of eating. By savoring each bite, you can start to listen to your body’s cues when it’s full and hungry. Mindful eating can help to cultivate a more balanced and positive relationship with food, nourishing your body and mind. But is mindful eating difficult? And what does it actually mean? Let’s dive in.
Coping with Grief and Loss: Healing After a Significant Loss
Sadly, grief is a part of the human experience. It’s something that all of us will have to face at some point in life. While grief is a normal and completely natural response, healing after loss can feel beyond impossible at times. There is no single right way to grieve.
Unwind From the Chaos: A Beginner’s Guide to Mindfulness Meditation for Stress Relief
Research increasingly supports the effectiveness of mindfulness for stress reduction. Mindfulness focuses on self-management and empowering an individual to manage their own stress. So, how can mindfulness meditation help with stress, and what are the best ways to get started with your own practice? Let’s dive in.